Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Lara's Lean Rib eye Steaks
Baked Idaho Potato
Green salad

Nothing exciting here tonight. I broiled them in the oven, and forgot them so they were a little bit dry. Ugh, I really need to get hubby to fix our grill. I think it has something wrong with the feed from the gas to the burner because we can't get it to flame correctly. When I fix anything on the grill I hover over it, so I never forget them. I stuck tonight's in the oven and waltzed off to do a load of laundry.
So do any of you readers out there use your grill or is that something you let your husband do?
I know some people let it be the male household member's domain, but not me, I love my grill.

1 comment:

From the Doghouse said...

I enjoy using our grill - but, then again, I am the husband.

My wife uses it sometimes; last time I cooked burgers I also picked up some pork chops, and she threw those on after I finished the burgers. Took advantage of the hot coals and made mealtime easier that week.