Thursday, November 22, 2007


I must tell you that my feelings are mixed when it comes to Thanksgiving.
First off, I have Cherokee ancestors so as far as honoring the Pilgrims, and "Manifest Destiny" policies of our government-forget about it.
As a Christian however, I am very thankful for every way that God has blessed me and I thank him every day.
Lately the Fibromyalgia has been kicking my butt, so rather than having to go out and shop(which kills me), and then cook(usually something I enjoy-but lately a little much for me), we ordered the family meal from Cracker Barrel.
For $49.99 we got
Turkey Breast for 6
Hash Brown Casserole
Green Beans
Sweet Potato Casserole
Biscuits & Corn Bread
Turkey gravy
Cranberry Relish
Quite a good deal for the price and pretty good too. Not anywhere near as good as what I could have fixed myself, but still pretty good, and a heck of a lot less than what I would have spent at the grocery store.
The four of us ate, and there are plenty of leftovers, so I can say that we are happy.


Deb R said...

I actually always thought T-day was more about honoring the native people who helped keep the pilgrims from starving than about honoring the pilgrims themselves, but either way I figure a day that encourages people to remember their blessings is a good thing, even if the origins are murky.

Your CB dinner sounds like a bargain! J and I frequently wish there was a CB closer to us. It's restaurant food, sure, but a teeeeeeny bit closer to tasting like home cooking than many restaurants, so we both like it.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season!

Webmaster said...

Dang ... that sounds like it's worth every penny of the $49.99!
Sorry you're down. I'll pray for you.

From the Doghouse said...

I didn't know they did that. I'm sorry you weren't feeling good, but I"m glad you had such a good option.