Thursday, August 14, 2008


Today, completely and totally fed up with the take-out, I dragged myself to the kitchen and made up eight quarts my mom's fabulous marinara sauce. I even managed to make a pot of tea.
Made the sauce with four pounds of Lara's Lean ground beef.

You didn't actually think I was going to give away my mama's best recipe now did you?
Silly you! That one will go with me to the grave, unless Paddycake takes an interest in cooking.
Actually I wanted to share with you how I make Iced Tea.
Lipton makes a wonderful tea called Lemon Soother. It is caffeine free and it is wonderful! I take seven bags of the Lemon Soother Tea and tie them together, pulling the tags off. I then run about 60 ounces of filtered water through my Bunn-O-Matic Coffee Maker, into a large tea pitcher I have. I let that steep for just a few minutes and then pour over ice and enjoy. We don't use sugar or any sweeter. You really won't need it, and since the tea is lemon flavored you don't need any fresh lemon either.


From the Doghouse said...


Anonymous said...

Y'know, in Australia marinara is a seafood pasta sauce but it's plain tomato in the US, isn't it? You'd never think we spoke the same language sometimes, would you?


Confessions of A Mississippi Mom said...

Okay well you could just tell me, and I wouldn't tell NO ONE!!

I heart ice tea...

Kendra said...

Where can I buy Lemon Soother tea? I've been looking for it for years as I used to drink it all the time. I thought perhaps it was discontinued but now I see your post indicating otherwise... Please let me know!

HEATHER said...

HI Kendra thanks for your comment.
I buy my Lemon Soother from
They sell it by the case, 12 boxes is a case. Or you can order it from too.